Episode 7

Published on:

13th Dec 2023

Embracing Your Unique Purpose: How to Own & Share Your Gifts with The World -7

In this captivating episode of the Marli Williams Podcast, host Marli Williams is joined by the awe-inspiring Karrie Myers Taylor, an astrological guide and spiritual mentor. Together, they delve into the profound journey of owning, knowing, claiming, and sharing our unique gifts with the world. As they explore the transformative power of embracing one's strengths and purpose, they also navigate the challenges and triumphs of becoming the superheroes we are meant to be. Through insightful discussions on authentic leadership, navigating relationships, and the role of astrology in self-discovery, this episode will leave you inspired and eager to uncover the magic within yourself. Tune in to join this empowering conversation and embark on a journey of self-discovery and authentic living.

Karrie Ann Myers (aka SelfKarrie) is an Astrological Counselor and Frequency Coach, utilizing your astrological birth chart, to help you:

Release ancestral and karmic patterns.

Raise your frequency for attracting energetically matched love relationships, career & business opportunities.

Reset your bodily organs and internal systems for greater self-value, soul purpose alignment, prosperity and resources.

Karrie has provided Astrological Advisement to companies like Pinterest and Roblox, and private Astrological Counseling to multiple couples, families, coaches, business owners and CEO's.  She has been a featured Astrologer in San Francisco’s Gate Magazine and Redfin’s Real Estate blog.

To learn more about Karrie - check out her website.

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Marli Williams [:

Hey, everybody. What's happening? I am super stoked to welcome you back to the Marli Williams podcast where today, I will be interviewing the incredible, the talented, the amazing, Karrie Myers Taylor. Karrie is an astrological guide and spiritual mentor whose mission in the world is to help people find their soul, purpose, and path using astrology as the guide. She is an epic leader, a serial entrepreneur, and my own personal astrologer. And today, we are going to dive deep into the idea of owning, knowing, claiming, and sharing your unique gifts with the world and becoming the superhero you are meant to be. So, I cannot wait to dive into this incredible interview with you. Let's go.

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Marli Williams [:

Hey, everyone. What's happening? I am super stoked to welcome you to the Marli Williams podcast where we will explore authentic leadership, transformational facilitation, and how to create epic experiences for your audiences every single time. I am your host, Marli Williams bringing you thought-provoking insights, expert interviews, and actionable strategies to unlock your potential as a leader, facilitator, and speaker. Thank you for joining me on this journey of growth, transformation, and impact. Let's Lead Together, the Marli Williams podcast begins now. Let's dive in.

Marli Williams [:

Alright, everybody. I would love to welcome you back to the Marli Williams podcast, where today I get to hang out with my good friend, Karrie Myers Taylor. And she is an incredible human, an epic leader, and a phenomenal astrologer who helps you, like, tap into your soul level work and life exponentially. So, she's incredible. So, Karrie, Welcome to the show. Stoked to have you joining us today.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

Thank you so much, Marli. As always, a pleasure. As always, always a pleasure to be in your presence and your energy and to get stoked. That's a word I don't use very often, but every time I pronounce Marli, I end up using it for days after. So, yeah.

Marli Williams [:

Well, I am stoked to have you here. People that are listening that don't know you, I would love for you to just share with the audience what your work is in the world. What are you up to? What's lighting you up? And, we'll dive in. Give it to us.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

I am an astrological guy, and that's what I do. I'm a counselor for people, and I help them dive into their astrological charts. Help them understand what's been going on for all their lives, what's supposed to be happening next, how they're supposed to use that, and I counsel them through navigating this life, you know, because it is multiple lives that you'll have in one lifetime. You can't just start with one thing. I mean, you have to look at it as a working document. You know? And I love doing it, but I have to say, this is something I reluctantly came to in my life. This work. And so, yeah, I'll get into it a little bit today.

Marli Williams [:

g because we met, I think, in:

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

Oh my god. Oh, yeah. I mean, I've been calling myself a superhero lately, and I think that is the journey of a superhero. Right? The origin story usually ends with a rejection of the gift, right, in some way. Right? Because it doesn't fit the way you think it's supposed to go. So, if you're going to be your own hero, you have to recognize that you're going to be doing some shadow work around releasing the reluctancy to step into this. You know? And sometimes that means resentment that comes up. Sometimes it means realizing that maybe there were things you didn't get in your life so that you could show up in this way, and there's pain that comes with that.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

I'm like, wow. You know, that happened maybe for this. So, there's a lot of work that goes along with it. And so, you know, I call myself Peter Parker a lot of the time now. I'm in my, I got bit by the spider in the face. I'm learning my tools, and realizing that that is what I came here for. My background is much more business oriented. I am a serial entrepreneur, and I would build these very successful businesses.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

And I loved them. Don't get me wrong. When you and I met, I put down my video production company in San Francisco. Literally the day before I went to that mastermind, I had moved. My ex-husband and I, my former husband and I had moved into the woods. Like, we've moved into the suburbs from San Francisco, and I literally like, we put down I put down like, we had movers in our house. I left on a plane the next today. And was like, I'm off to this new thing, this new journey.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

I don't know where it's going to take me. And I originally was wanted to be a health coach, and I did do that for a while. Because I'd had a whole weight loss journey and a completely, you know, new nutrition and new lifestyle journey, and I wanted to share that with people. And I wanted to help people have the experience that I had, that transformation. You know? Go through it smoothly because it isn't smooth. You know? So, I really wanted to help people have that smooth transition. And when I met you and I went through the mastermind, of course, it, like, blew my whole mind open. And I had been very secretly doing astrology at that time.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

Secretly doing it for myself and learning about it, learning about myself, and just exploring it. And so, when I came back from that mastermind, I did start a business as a health coach and health guide. But one of the things I started doing for my clients was reading their astrology charts unbeknownst to them. You know, I would ask for their birth information. What is their history? Like, well, let me get it. Let me really help them. Let me actually see what challenges might be ahead so I can be extra helpful for them. And then, of course, I let them in on it after a while.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

They didn't really care, to be honest. They're just like, oh, great. Give me an astrology reading as well. But that's what I'm saying is that that's how that creaked in there. And then I started realizing that astrology is this amazing self-study, and that a lot of the issues they were currently experiencing, we could actually change because we were doing the self-study and diving into these parts of themselves that they couldn't even access and also helping them prepare for what was coming ahead, it was doing more for them than the health coaching. And that's when I started branching out in my clients' lunches, looking for a healthy lifestyle. They were just looking for a guide to guide them through life.

Marli Williams [:

Yeah. To guide them through life. And I love this idea. I think Elizabeth Gilbert talks about, like, following the breadcrumbs of your curiosity and, like, noticing the things that we notice. Noticing the things that we pay attention to. Like, oh, astrology. I'm drawn to that. I'm curious about it. And, like, allowing ourselves to lean in, maybe even not knowing where that's going to go. And then it's like turning up the volume on that curiosity of, like, continuing to lean in and, like, oh, I'm going to use it in this way.

Marli Williams [:

And I think it's this invitation to pay attention. I think that it shows up for people. And we're so busy. We're so distracted. We're so overwhelmed that we sometimes can't hear it. We sometimes can't see it. Or we hear it, and we're like, no. No. No. No. No. That's blah, blah, blah. Like, we make up some sort of story. Nobody's going to hire an astrologer. There's no way I can make money doing that. You know? I don't know how to sell that or market that or whatever. So, I'm just going to be health coach. And how it's like, oh, those gifts start showing their way to us. And like you said, where do we resist it? Where do we reject it? Where do we hide from it or hide behind something that feels safer?

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

Yeah. Safer. Like, what can I put on my resume? If I can't put this on my resume, not say it. Right? If other people can't easily ingest this.

Marli Williams [:

Right. And that fear of the judgment from other people. What are people going to think? What are they going to do? What are they going to say? I'm at a dinner party. Someone asks me what I do. I say, I'm an astrological guide. Are they going to roll their eyes? Are they going to, you know? Or are they going to lean in and light up? And who's to say?

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

Who is to say? And also, to realize that astrology was actually a gift. Like, it was helping me through that. You know, like, something this cycle of my life was going to happen anyway, where I was going to open up to a greater me, a greater gift, a greater offering. And astrology showed up, and it said, I'm going to help you through this. That's a tool as far as I'm concerned. But you're going to do like, and then what I realized with in working with my clients is that the journey is inevitable. I can see it right there in your chart. So, you and I, we can decide how you're going to go through it. Right? But it's going to happen anyway. You know? So, I love what you're saying about looking at the tools will show up. What we pay attention to are the tools to get us through that journey. You know? And I would even add on to that. People start showing up and becoming, like, these serendipitous things start happening, and people are basically your mirrors. The people that are around you, the environment that's around you. So, for me, you know, I was doing all the secret astrology on the down low. Right? But then I would have my friends and different people show up in my life who would just be like, do you realize you're good at this? Oh, hey. You're doing this thing over here, but I see you. You know? Like, I see this is something that's showing up more, and you start to realize that you are, you know, what you're putting out is being reflected back to you.

Marli Williams [:

Yeah. And it's totally I mean; it is really that it's the hero's journey that I think we all go on. And Joseph Campbell, who speaks a lot about the hero's journey, one of my favorite quotes is when you follow your bliss, doors will open where there once were walls. And this idea of serendipity, of kismet, of these people, moments, opportunities coming in to your life is the more that we start to align with those gifts, we start to notice and pay attention to those things. Again, it's like, I think we get more of what we look for. So, if we're looking for the people and the guides and the mentors to help us along the path, you will find them, but we have to be paying attention. Right? And so, I think a lot of people maybe that are listening to this or on their journey in life or I think people have a really hard time naming their gifts, owning their gifts, discovering what those are. You know? I think most job interviews, people will be asked, like, tell me what your greatest strengths are, or what do you bring to this team? And one of the metaphors that I use when I talk about helping people name and identify their strengths is asking someone what their greatest strengths are, is like asking a fish what it's like to be a really great swimmer. Because the fish is just like, I'm just being a fish. But, like, they're swimming in the water of their own awesomeness, and we can't always grasp it, see it, name it, claim it, own it.

Marli Williams [:

And that's the power to me of having guides, having mentors. Like you said, having people be that mirror for you of reflecting your gifts back to you so you can start to see them and hear them and name them and claim them. And that's some of the work that, you know, I've called you in to guide me with. I can't, I mean, ever since I've been an entrepreneur and probably my whole life, I've been coming to guides, coming to, you know, coaches and healers and asking this question.

Marli Williams [:

What's my thing? What's my thing? Are you, my thing? Is speaking my thing? Is coaching my thing? Is retreat's my thing? Like, what's my thing? Karrie, just tell me what is my thing. Because I think that there's this desire. There's this story. And I remember even saying it to you probably at some point. I'm like, I feel like if I really knew what it was, I would be unstoppable. But I don't know what it is. So, I'm like, you know, do I talk about leadership? Even with this podcast, what is it about? Or, like, as a speaker. Like, what's my topic? What's my keynote? What's my this? What's my that? And that has been a huge challenge for me in my journey. And I still keep doing shit. I'm like, alright. We're doing a podcast. It's about leadership. Let's go. You know? Just winging it over here. For those that are listening, they might be wondering the same thing.

Marli Williams [:

Kinda like, well, I don't know what my thing is. I don't have any superpowers. I don't have any gifts. So, let's help them in this conversation today. Like, maybe find their way to name them, claim them. How would you help someone? I mean, you've helped me on that journey to really identify themselves. And like you were saying earlier, seeing themselves as a superhero because that could feel like a bold claim. People are like, who the hell am I? I'm not a superhero. I'm just a, whatever, stay at home mom or I'm just a blank.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

Well, it was a journey for me too. My clients teach me all the time, and my desire was just to be of service to them. So, if they ever asked me something I didn't know, well, then I go find out. I'd learn. You know? And that started making me realize that there is no one thing that you are. You are a constant offering. You're constantly offering, and you are editing yourself, editing your offerings to what's needed now, to this person, to this generation, to this planet. And as an astrologer, I get to see, okay, what's the next thing that's happening? What are we going to need next? And I create my products based on that. You know? So, it's like, okay. We're going in here. Everybody's going to be asking about this, so this is what I'm going to be counseling people about. Right? It's interesting that you're talking about, like, coming what like, your whole life you were saying, what's my thing? Right? 60% of my clients are asking me about sole purpose. That's like, what is my purpose? Why am I here? What are, and it changes. With every cycle, you have a different purpose. That's the thing.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

You know, I will look on your chart, and I will say, okay. Here's your overall purpose for your lifetime. This is the way that you're meant to show up. And at different points in your life, you will show the different ways to serve that. So, you will find different methods throughout your life to use to go towards that same purpose, but if the purpose is the same. Each person has their own individual purpose, and it's my work as an astrologer to be a detective, to figure that out for you and then also provide you with the information. Like, give it to you in the words that you can understand and that you can grasp onto and that you can keep and carry, and then also tell you what period of time you're in your life that you were able to receive what I'm saying to you. I often say to my clients, you know, I know what I just told you doesn't make any sense and you can't see yourself. I will hold this vision of you until you are ready.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

And that's my job. You know? And when they are ready, they come into it, and they're like, oh my god. They were there the whole time. It's like, yeah. I got the privilege of looking at your chart to see what was coming. You know? But, I mean, you can tell people all up and down they're a superhero. They won't believe it until it's time, until the chart is like, this is the time. Right.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

And what's great about right now is that this is the time for a lot of people, for the entire globe, to be honest, to recognize it. So, we get to do it together. Doesn't have to be a lonely thing anymore. Doesn't have to be a solo Peter Parker hiding his costume.

Marli Williams [:

Yeah. I love this idea of, you know, what is your sole purpose and what are you called to? And this word offering that we keep coming back to. And instead of being like, what's my thing as this kind of, like, end goal final destination, really seeing the idea of, like, living your sole purpose as this journey of offerings. What do I feel called to offer at this moment in time, at this stage in my journey? But I think in order to offer something, whatever that is, we have to believe we have something worthy of offering, that this is a worthy offering to put out there into the world. And I know that so many people that I've worked with, that I've even myself gotten caught up in is, like, no one's going to want it. No one's going to like it. Who's going to buy it? Is it good enough? Am I enough? Do I have of the right training, credentials, certification, all the noise that cloud us from just offering and trusting that our sole purpose evolves through that offering.

Marli Williams [:

And that idea of, I think, everyone is looking for, I just want all of the clarity. Right? I want to know what my thing is and then I'll take all of this action once I have the clarity. And really, it's like reverse engineering that formula of, like, the more actions you take, the more clarity you'll get. Whether that's like, yes. I want more of that or no. I don't want more of that. Right? But we discover that through the expression of it rather than the perfection of it. Right? Like, oh, it needs to be the perfect talk and the perfect workshop and the perfect retreat and the perfect business model versus just I think if there's anything that I am freaking good at is just winging it. Giving myself permission to be messy in a way.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

I mean, I think the first thing that like, accepting that it's a journey is the first thing. It gets all the pain out of the way. You can't get all your clarity at one time. There would be no journey. I often have long term clients that I work with on, like, a monthly basis member who first came to me because they wanted the confidence to do the thing that they wanted to do. And realizing that they had to come to realize that, you don't get confidence through thinking about it. You get confidence by doing it. And then now having the evidence that you have done it, and now you just bring that into the next situation. You know?

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

So, there is no such thing as getting confidence. And think of it like an athlete. An athlete practices confidence every day, then it becomes who they actually are. You know? So, accepting that this is a journey, nobody gets out alive. Right? This is a journey. So, it's the Hunger Games. It's Squid Game, whatever it is, but it's a journey. You're still going to go through an obstacle course.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

That's the first thing is accepting that, and there's so much weight that's lifted. Right? When I go into someone's chart and I'm just like, I'm going to tell you the experiences that you're going to have in this life. I'm not going to tell you what's going to happen. I'm going to give you the experiences. You know? So, now it's a journey. It's not about, can I get out of this? Can I negotiate out of this? It's like, no. These are the experiences you're going to have, and our only power is choosing how we go through it, you know, and what the tools are that we're going to use. So, like I was saying before, like, I'll tell you what your sole purpose is. You won't actually believe me until you're there. Until you're ready.

Marli Williams [:

What's my sole purpose, Karrie? I know we've talked about this before.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

Oh, yeah.

Marli Williams [:

And, yeah, I remember there was a specific word that you used, and I was like, oh.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

Yeah. I would have been uncomfortable too. I remember being like, how am I going to say this? Yeah. Marli's sole purpose is to be a guru. And, yeah, let's sit with that for a minute.

Marli Williams [:

You said that word, and I was like, what does it mean? And how do I do that? And really? Me?

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

Right. And all the facial expressions, all that was there. Yes. And then what we do then is we go into our memory bank, our very limited perception of what that could be. So, we start thinking, oh, who do we know that's in guru? Siddhartha. Oh, Gandhi. What? You know? Like, you know, Ama. You know, like, wait a minute. No. No. No. No. No. I can't possibly. Right? And so, we start making excuses, and we start, you know, creating a story that we can't fit into. All it is, is every one of those gurus was you at one point. Right?

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

They just didn't have as a person to reflect back to. They didn't know they're going to be guru. Who starts off like that? You know? So, it's like they didn't know, and in fact, they didn't even make up that name. Other people gave it to them. We call people gurus because of what they've done for us. So, it's not about claiming a title. It's like, I call you a guru because you have been that to me. It's not a title that you claim or have to claim for yourself. Right?

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

And so, yeah, that's a powerful place to take. And then, also, when we started working together, you were going through a particular transit that was, like, not at all guru like. Like, she just said, I don't know how I'm about to get go to guru from here. You know? And that's where also in my astrological practice, I started realizing that's where the counseling started coming in because I thought I'm just going to read someone's, you know, chart. They're going to do what I think they should do. They're going to, you know, do a couple things and all is going to be great. Right? Problem solving date. Like, left and right. That's what I'm going to do. Right?

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

But sometimes people are going through a period that is necessary for them to get to that other place, and they need someone to guide them through that. Someone that says, I know what you're going to become. You're a caterpillar now. I know you're going to be a butterfly, but you don't see it now that I do. Right? And, also, every, you know, guru has gone through that particular period that you and I were talking about when we were going through that.

Marli Williams [:

Yeah. I love the butterfly metaphor. Right? Because, like, a caterpillar has no idea what it's like to live as a butterfly. No idea. And then they essentially have to dissolve into goo. They have to become a puddle of goo in order to then become the butterfly. And I think, you know, when we were talking and I was really going through this, like, dark night of the soul and at a very, very low point, I think the power of working with a guide and a mentor is having someone who can hold the vision for you and what's possible when you're in the thick of it, of like, this is what is on the other side. I see it. I feel it. I trust it. And so, I think when we're going through, if you are somebody right now or is in the goo phase of your journey, I think knowing that there's so much beauty that's unknown to you right now in this moment that's on the other side of this for you. And I think astrology, like you said, it is a tool to use to navigate that journey. And, you know, when we talk about a vision quest, a hero's journey, the journey of life. I think we all go through that. And I think sometimes we see the people at the top of the mountain thinking that, like, they were never goo or they were never in the valley.

Marli Williams [:

They never went through something hard. And it's like, I think anyone you see at the top of any mountain, whatever that look means to you, has gone through their own journey of navigating that, 1. And 2, they didn't get there alone, in my personal opinion. Like, having guides, mentors, coaches, you know, whatever that is for you, communities, and having support to help us navigate those times in our life, I think it's invaluable. Right? And that's, I think, why you do what you do. That's why I do what I do. That's like, the work in the world is we don't have to figure all that out on our own. Because it can feel like a really lonely journey, especially when you're in the goo. I think it's like, am I going to be here forever? This is terrible. It's hard to see the other side of it when you're really, really in the thick of it.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

Well, when you're in the goo, if you think about the goo, the chrysalis, basically, just your memories. You're just doing in your own memories and your own perception of what's possible. That's all you have. Right? You don't know what's on the other side. You don't know that you're sprouting wings. So, you're just in like, all I have is my memory, so I'm going to hold on to it. Right? And so those are your defense mechanism. So, you're just holding on to it. That's where all the pain of it comes from. It's like, please, just something stays the same even if it's painful. I love how you said, you know, we don't know what it's like to be a butterfly yet. Right? And so, we don't know that we're going to soar. We don't know what it's like to even fly, you know, like, at that point, but we do really hold on. The only thing you can do during a dark night of the soul is surrender to it. Get used to what surrender feels like because it's way better than what you're doing. You know? Way better than holding on. So, it's like practicing surrender.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

You know, each session I have with a client when they are going through a dark night of the soul is practicing surrender. What's the shadow that needs to be released today? Because that's literally that's where are we on the journey, what's the new thing that's up, that's what this session's going to be about. You know? As an astrologer, you can say this is going to take about 8 months.

Marli Williams [:

Get used to it. Get comfortable. Being uncomfortable.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

Exactly. Right? I know I said things like that to you too, and it's like, I have a lot of compassion for my dark night of the soul folks. You know? But, yeah, it's going to take 8 months, and I'll be with you for that time, but this is going to be 8 months. So, how do you want to spend that? If you have a really great client who trusts you and who says, you know, I can't see through this, but I trust that you can and that you wouldn't be here with me if you didn't believe this as well. That's where the offering part comes in because I can't do this without integrity. Can't do it without honesty. People can sell you stuff without those things, for sure. That's a product. Right?

Marli Williams [:

Yeah. What do you think is the difference between a product and an offering?

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

Well, a product is market research. You know? A product is all about, like, tapping on a fear, solving a pain point. And we need the products. Don't get me wrong. But an offering is, I will be on the journey with you.

Marli Williams [:

I love the metaphor of, like, the difference between the sage on the stage and the guide on the side. It's just such a beautiful metaphor of just, like, I'm here with you on this journey, and I'm here to offer this gift. That was one of my favorite things about Bali. I was there for 3 weeks this past fall, and every morning, every person, every store, every temple had an offering. There's a little cracker and little flowers and an incense, and it was just, like, an act of gratitude. And it was like this giving before receiving and giving with no expectation of receiving. Like, it was just starting with gratitude in this, like, here, it was the offering to the gods. It's like, it was just starting your day saying thank you before anything else happened.

Marli Williams [:

And I'm like, what a cool idea. You know? And it was so beautiful. I mean, like, the whole place smelled like incense, and there was just this spirit and energy of, almost of abundance, of generosity of spirit. Hospitality isn't even, like, the right word. It's just like this is just how we do it here. What do you need? We got you. And the stories that I have, I mean, it was just phenomenal to live in that energetic vibration of, like, this is a gift. This is an offering.

Marli Williams [:

Like, every meal, the way that it was designed and decorated and, like, little edible flowers, every meal, whether it was $2 or, you know, like, $20. I mean, it was just like a gift. And when we think about our products, our services, you know, every talk that I gift is an offering. This podcast is an offering. To me, when I think about this retreat as an offering, it lets go of this, like, graspy attachment. This is an offering, and I trust that the right people in this moment are going to hear this message, and something's going to land for them. Because I oftentimes tell my clients that I'm working with, if you have a desire to create something in the world, an offering, if you will, it's not an accident. And that there are other people out there that need your medicine, need your magic.

Marli Williams [:

Like, they're waiting for you to share your gift. And so often, I'll tell people, if you're not sharing your gift, your medicine. Your magic. You're a hoarder. Like, stop hoarding your magic. Share it as an offering. And knowing, like, if you have something that is going to help people, heal people, nurture people, motivate people, uplift people, and you're not doing it, you're doing yourself and everyone around you such a disservice. And this is really about, like, owning our gifts, claiming our gifts, naming them so that we can offer them from a place of love and generosity. And we just got back from the retreat, retreat, which was this, like, I put on a retreat for people who want to create their own retreats. Very meta. And I love what my good friend, Brittney, said. I said, why retreats? We talked; we had a whole conversation of all the things we can offer. You know, we could do 1-on-1 coaching. We can do group programs. We can do virtual. We can do talks via retreats.

Marli Williams [:

And we have this beautiful giant list going. And then at the end, she said, it's the most delicious way to share my love. Think about what is an offering. An offering is the most delicious way for you to share your love with people. And there's another quote I love. It says, I think, like, work is love made visible.

Marli Williams [:

When we do work that we love, it's like, it's work is love made visible. It's like when you think about your work as, like, this is an expression of my love for people, how does that shift your energetic vibration when it comes to, like, selling and marketing and all the things that come along with, you know, being an entrepreneur, being a business owner.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

Right. Even in an astrology chart, we have, you know, things called houses, which represent the areas of life that these things represent. Right? So, it’s like the 6th house is our workhouse, but the 6th house is also the service house. Well, you know, as an astrologer, I love teaching people, like, the greater thing. Because, you know, I think if we just do, like, you know, this is why I encourage people to work with astrologers because if you do just, like, you know, horoscopes out on the media, you'll just be like, okay. My work is here. You know? And what am I supposed to do for work? Right? But the 6th house is a Virgo house, and Virgo is a service.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

They're the people who are of service. They are hyper productive. It comes they're being of service. That's their reward. So, it's like there are volunteers. You know? They’re activists. They’re people who, are analyzed or they're detail oriented because they serve a higher purpose. And I often tell people, you know, if you are a guide or if, you know, we discover that working through your chart, you don't work for people. You don't get your money through people. You get it through source. And so, focus on that. It's like, I'm giving an offering, but I'm not going to be paid by the people signing up for this.

Marli Williams [:

You said that to me. That you don't receive money from people. You receive it from the universe. And that was a game changer for me of like, oh, and that trusting and allowing and surrendering, you know, where we in the energy of grasping and, like, I need people to sign up and you know, for the thing.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

I need to convince them.

Marli Williams [:

And I need to convince them of the value. That's been a challenge. I mean, I have felt that. I feel that way with my retreats, especially, I'm like, what do I need to do or say for you to see the value of this experience? I wanted to, like, speak for itself, but I also have to trust that the right people are going to show up. And, man, the surrender part, the allowing part is freaking hard. Because I'm like, tell me what to do when I'll freaking let's go. But you tell me, Marli, just sit back, chill out, relax. I'm like, wait a second. I don't know how to do that. That's a challenge. That's been a challenge for me, for sure.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

Well, it’s your job. Is to put things in motion. You know, part of my work as a counselor is also just having empathy.

Marli Williams [:

You're like, yep.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

You guys look at your chart, Marli. I'm like, alright. Well, you’re not going to like what I say. You know? Like, this is going to be a challenge for you. Right? You know? And that's because you're an Aries. If I was talking to a Pices, I'd be like, you since this old happy, you're good. You're good. You know? Like, you could just do this in your sleep, and you will.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

But if I'm talking to an Aries, it's like, tell me what to do. You know? Or if I'm talking to a Virgo, it's like, give me the plan, then I'll just do it. And one of the beautiful things of being able to, you know, look at someone's chart is to also recognize where they're going to have a block. Where they're going to have a challenge. Where they're going to be like, yeah. I'm presenting you this thing, and I can also see you're not used to this. This is not going to be easy for you. Like, I'm going to have to, you know, spoon feed this to you a bit. So, you're going to need some more reassurance.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

And so, yeah. You know, one of the gifts you know, again, like, I talk about the superhero thing, like, with great powers come great responsibility. Right? You are an Aries. That's a huge power. It's also a huge responsibility. You got to know where to use that fire and when to bring it back and say, okay. It's not necessary here. What temperature am I going to put this on? Am I going to simmer this, or am I just going to put this full blast? And we do need guides to teach us because we only know how to work with the energy that we got. Right?

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

So, we do need people who, you know? And I think it's so important right now as we're in the age of Aquarius, but also Pluto is moving into Aquarius for a good 9 months on January 20th. This means, like, we are all moving into entrepreneurial phase to some degree. We're moving into being guides who also need guides. And this is what we were talking about the guru saying before. Gurus have gurus, and we can be it for each other. So, it's not like only couple of us get to be a guide, you know, in the age of Aquarius as we're making this transition from this very Capricorn, very capitalist, very, you know, grasping at things that you were just talking about, grasping is that we are going to need people to transition us through it. And then we are also going to become those people for someone else. The coaching, the guide, all of that, that's just going to increase. You know?

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

I have quite a few clients who are this and they've been like, what does that mean for my business? And it's like, it means it's going to increase, really. You know? Because now you have this willing audience who's like, trying to make a transition right now. So, really looking at your chart and finding out what is the thing. You know? Because the whole world is open. There are multiple people that need multiple things. So, what's your thing? Right? Your job is to go into do the self-study, do the hero's journey. Take yourself out of the shire. You know, put yourself in Bali. Put yourself in the fire. Figure out who you are. And in doing that, be like, this is my special gift, and then come back to the collective and bring that to the collective.

Marli Williams [:

I love that so much, and it reminds me of the quote that says, your work is to find your work. And then with all of your heart, give yourself to it. Of seeing, finding your work as the work, it is not this end goal or destination, but this journey you get to go on of, you know, be a seeker. Ask the questions. Find the guides. Find the resources that are going to really support you in, like, navigating this journey with purpose and heart and intention. Because what I'm hearing is the world is, as we move into this next age, we are looking for leaders who are ready to claim their gifts, know their gifts, and share those with other people. Right? And so, wherever you're at on that journey, maybe you know what your gifts are. The invitation today is turn up the volume.

Marli Williams [:

Create an offering. Offer it to somebody. Create a video. Make a podcast. Make a phone call. Help somebody. Be of service. That's what an offering is.

Marli Williams [:

And if you have no idea, find a mentor. Find a guide. Find someone to support you on that path. Speaking of which, you being an amazing guide for me, where can people learn more about you, your work in the world, and maybe they want to find their sole purpose. Tell the people out there how they can learn more about you.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

Well, I am all out there. I mean, this is, you know, my Peter Parker five. So, you can go to my website. You can sign up for a reading. I have coaching packages that I work with people on a long-term basis through all of their transits and all they're becoming and all their caterpillar and butterfly base. And so, you can get your coaching packages there. I also have a podcast that I cohost with an amazing tarot reader named, Halicue Hanna. It's called The Melanated Mystics, and we talk a lot about how people can use the tools of astrology and tarot to find to do that work, to find their purpose to do that self-study and then bring their gifts out into the world.

Karrie Myers Taylor [:

And we do it through special topics, and we focus mostly on black and brown women because this is also kind of an epidemic of black and brown women, and being one myself, I know of giving our gifts away and not really claiming them for ourselves. And I also have another podcast coming up. It's called You and Me in Orbit, and it's all about counseling people through relationships within their astrology charts. And that's coming up in December.

Marli Williams [:


Karrie Myers Taylor [:

ng that's going to be part of:

Marli Williams [:

Yeah. Wow. I love that so much. And, you know, one of my hopes in bringing amazing guests on like you, Karrie, is for people to just hear someone own their magic. And knowing that it was a journey we go on in order to do that and how the world gets to benefit from that. You know? Like, that you sharing your gifts with other people is it's like it's amazing for you, but it's amazing for the world. And I'm just so honored to have your guidance, your mentorship, your support on my path for you to share your magic and medicine with the crew here that's listening today. And if you are looking for an astrological guide and mentor, Karrie is the best.

Marli Williams [:

So, check her work out in the world. And thank you again for tuning in for another episode of the Marli Williams podcast. We hope that you own your gifts, name your gifts, claim your gifts so that you can share your gifts with the world. Until next time. Take care.

Marli Williams [:

Thank you for joining us on another inspiring episode of the Marli Williams podcast. We hope you're leaving here with renewed energy and valuable insights to fuel your leadership, coaching, and speaking endeavors. I'd love to invite you to subscribe, rate, and review this podcast to help us reach more aspiring leaders and speakers like you. We have more exciting episodes and remarkable guests lined up, so make sure to tune in next time. Until then, keep leading with purpose, coaching with heart, and speaking with conviction. This is Marli Williams signing off. See you next week.

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About the Podcast

Marli Williams
Let's Lead Together
Welcome to The Marli Williams Podcast, where we invite you to join us on a transformative journey of epic leadership, facilitation, and speaking. I'm your host, Marli Williams, and together, we're on a mission to help you become the best leader, coach, or speaker you can be.
Are you a transformational leader, coach, or speaker with a burning desire to create unforgettable experiences, retreats, workshops, and presentations that leave people awestruck every single time? If so, this podcast is tailor-made for you.
Each week, we dive deep into the world of personal transformation, self-discovery, and the art of crafting epic experiences. Through thought-provoking insights, interviews with industry experts, and real-life success stories, we'll empower you to unlock your full potential and lead with impact.
Whether you're looking to ignite your coaching practice, design life-changing retreats, or captivate your audience from the stage, we've got you covered. Our goal is to equip you with the tools, strategies, and inspiration you need to create magic in your leadership, coaching, and speaking endeavors.
The Marli Williams Podcast is your go-to resource for:
Inspiring stories of individuals who have transformed lives through leading epic events, workshops and retreats.
Strategies for designing and delivering workshops and presentations that leave a lasting impact.
Expert insights on personal development, communication, and leadership.
Practical advice on building a thriving speaking and facilitation practice and leading epic retreats.
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Get ready to be inspired, empowered, and equipped to take your leadership, coaching, and speaking skills to the next level. Let's create epic experiences and make a lasting impact. Join me, Marli Williams, on The Marli Williams Podcast - Let's Lead Together.